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What Would Your Morning Say About You?

For many of us, mornings can be quite hectic. Getting up, helping others get ready, a long commute, and all sorts of other obstacles can get in the way of easing into the day. How you start your day can impact the rest of the day. A hectic morning can be the culprit of a disheveled day! A morning routine takes time and intentionality to create, especially one that is realistic and sustainable.

A morning routine takes TIME and INTENTIONALITY!

My morning routine has been a work-in-progress for the last few years. Here are the things I do most mornings to ease into my day:

  1. Get up and make coffee (heaven's hot delight)

  2. Sit on my couch to read, meditate, pray, journal (I do a combo of these to keep it fresh)

  3. Shower and get ready for the day (even if I'm working at home, I get out of my PJs)

  4. Start work at home or walk 20 minutes to my office space

When I start the day in a tizzy, it overflows into the rest of my day. I have to be intentional with my mornings. What are some things you wish you could implement to ease into your day? How can you fight the hustle & bustle that causes disarray even before you get to work, school, or wherever the day takes you?

What are some things you could implement to ease into your day?

Here are some things to consider as you plan your mornings:

  1. Give your mornings a word (i.e. peaceful, refreshing, contemplative, energizing)

  2. Plan your morning around that word. Here are some ideas...

    1. PEACEFUL-be silent in the morning, wear noise canceling headphones, make your favorite hot beverage, read your favorite book, listen to soft music

    2. REFRESHING-take a shower each morning, have a cold coffee beverage, take a walk around the block, read the news instead of watch it on TV

    3. CONTEMPLATIVE-read, meditate, eat slow, reflect and journal

    4. ENERGIZING-exercise, go for a run, have an energy drink, play upbeat music, dance while you get ready

Finding a peaceful and healthy transition from sleep to wake is important. Give yourself some time and space to try different things and tweak accordingly.



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